Frustrated with little to no progress in achieving your weight loss & wellness goals? Tired? Hungry? Moody? Discouraged? Frequently ill? We’ve seen it all, we’ve heard it all. At Vitality we have over 8 years of extensive experience, countless hours, months, and years worth of knowledge in the world of weight loss and wellness. Especially as it applies to weight loss, hormones & thyroid optimization, supplements and nutraceuticals, autoimmune conditions, metabolic function in all states, and of course – nutrition & fitness. Our team of experts has helped literally thousands of people in Idaho where are headquarters are located, and nation wide with our remote service options. We take an evidence based, in depth approach to custom programming, to ensure optimal results and success for all individuals of different body types, lifestyles, etc. When we say custom programming, we aren’t just referring to the sticker price on your service. We’re referring to how your diet, evaluations, exercise regimens, supplements or Nutraceuticals, medical support tools, etc. can all be customized to meet your needs.
Specializing in a wide range of expertise in weight loss & wellness: from the average everyday person looking to live their best life, shed pounds, and gain confidence – to helping the most “difficult” of cases in achieving success. Like those with AutoImmune diseases like Hashimotos, Crohn’s Ulcerative Colitis, Spondylitis, RA, and many other health conditions, our uniquely tailored programs can & will help you gain the motivation & encouragement that you’ve been lacking to finally start conquering these obstacles.
Plan Development
The critical element of our medical weight loss program helping people nationwide, is plan development. In building a unique weight loss plan for the individual, we strive to learn more about the reasons behind your issues with weight. We review medical history to determine the best weight loss plan for their long-term objectives. And we determine the ideal approach given the latest, proven, and safe medical and holistic interventions available.
Professionals with Education & Experience
Based on the results of our initial planning work and our testing, we’ll then make clear recommendations to the client on the weight loss options available to them, given their age and medical condition. We’ll also include the client’s personal goals when developing our recommendations.
As part of our recommendation process, we educate clients about the various risks and benefits of using our weight loss techniques. We’ll guide each client with precision on what they can expect during the process and how to manage any symptoms they encounter along the way. It’s how we assure a holistic, customized approach to medical weight loss.
Regular counseling through a professional weight loss program can help reduce your weight loss challenges!
That’s what the Vitality solution does differently, we help you learn the in’s and out’s of your body. With the goal to teach you enough about yourself that you’ll never be a victim of another predatory weight loss/fitness/nutrition program again. You’ll know what you need and what you don’t need, and you’ll be able to sniff out the things that simply won’t work for you, from a mile away.
If you’ve made it this far reading, it would seem that you’re likely committed to changing your life and getting healthy. You just need that additional clarity. Are you ready to learn the stuff that actually matters about your body and take control of your health?
Click below now to schedule a call with a trained, educated, and experienced Vitality Professional, and we’ll walk you through the whole process. Together, we will discuss the optimized hormone approach based on your unique insights from the bloodwork.
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